Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday Alfombras in Antigua

We rose early this morning (against our will) to Leo's sweet, cooing song. Taking advantage of the hour and quiet traffic, we packed up the car to visit the Good Friday processions and the alfombras in Antigua. The alfombras are mosaic carpets made out of colored sawdust, pine needles and flowers. The processionals march through the alfombras spreading these incredible pieces of artwork into the street. We saw remnants of such an alfombra being carried off by a processional of ants - they must have their own Good Friday celebration. After the heavy floats have passed, the carpets are then made again for a later processional.

Leo, as always, made our experience much more social and enjoyable. We met several children and their mothers this afternoon after one of Leo's many breastfeeding sessions (nothing has beat the steps of a Mayan temple yet!) in a church courtyard. Leo is starting to communicate more. Today he was in rare form, with baseball cap on backwards (as he refuses to wear it forward) hooting, blowing bubbles from his lips and grabbing for people's hats and clothing. A great representative of the Good Old U.S. of A, our own little pandillero!

Video of Alfombra:

Video of Leo:

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