Friday, May 18, 2007

Grandma Lynn and Grampa Den Visit Guate

Leo, and his grateful parents, enjoyed a two week visit from Grandma Lynn and Grandpa Den. It was another week of firsts for Leo: two teeth broke through his lower gum (we are still waiting to see the pearly whites) and he had a tummy bug. The grandparents took over extending their time in Guate to care for both Leo and his ragged parents! Despite some growing pains, Leo had a blast with Grandpa Den and Grandma Lynn. He traveled to Lago Atitlan where he learned to recognize boats by pointing and saying "Ba Ba Ba"; he went swimming and played tennis at the Ambassador's house, ventured to the zoo and also took a road trip to Antigua for some good food and shopping. Upon arriving home from Antigua, Leo took 8 steps, all by himself! Our poor little guy is in withdrawal after spending his mornings talking to the birds in the backyard with his Grandpa and his mealtimes on the floor with Grandma exploring all of the deepest corners of the kitchen between bites of yogurt and avocado. Thank you Lynn and Den for a wonderful vacation, walking miles with Leo in the house and great meatloaf!! We love you very much.

Video: Leo Shares His Food